Firefighting Mains and Building Safety


Fire safety is a critical aspect of building design, ensuring the protection of occupants and property. Among the essential components of fire safety infrastructure are firefighting mains, which provide the necessary water supply and pressure to combat fires effectively. The National Building Code (NBC) outlines specific requirements for firefighting mains based on building type and height, ensuring that each structure is adequately equipped to handle fire emergencies. This article explores the importance of firefighting mains, the NBC's specifications, and the role these systems play in enhancing building safety.

The Role of Firefighting Mains

Firefighting mains are integral to a building's fire protection system, serving as the primary conduit for delivering water to firefighting equipment. These mains are connected to various systems, such as hose reels, wet risers, and sprinklers, which are activated during a fire incident. The size of the mains is crucial, as it determines the flow rate and pressure of water, both of which are vital for effective firefighting operations.

NBC Specifications for Firefighting Mains

The NBC provides detailed guidelines for the installation and maintenance of firefighting mains. These guidelines ensure that the systems are designed to meet the specific needs of different building types and heights. According to the NBC:

  1. Building Types and Main Sizes: The size of the firefighting mains varies based on the building type and height. For example, residential buildings up to 15 meters in height require 100 mm mains with single outlet landing valves. In contrast, storage buildings up to 15 meters require 150 mm mains.

  2. Installation Standards: Fire extinguishing equipment and installations must adhere to accepted standards, ensuring quick access and efficient use during emergencies. This includes the strategic placement of fire extinguishers, hose reels, and other equipment.

  3. Pressure Requirements: The pressure at hydrants must be carefully regulated to ensure safety. The pressure should not exceed 7.0 bar, with a minimum of 3.5 bar at the hydraulically remote hydrant.

  4. Static Water Storage Tanks: These tanks provide a reliable water supply for firefighting. They must be easily accessible and have sufficient capacity to meet the demands of fire emergencies. The tanks should also be designed to prevent water stagnation and facilitate maintenance.

  5. Maintenance and Accessibility: Regular maintenance of firefighting equipment is essential to ensure its functionality. Valves in fixed installations must have tamper-proof security features to prevent unauthorized operation.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of firefighting systems is crucial for ensuring their reliability during emergencies. This includes periodic inspections, testing of equipment, and ensuring that all components are in perfect working order. Buildings must have a comprehensive maintenance plan that covers all aspects of the firefighting infrastructure.

Statistics on Fire Safety and Building Design

  1. Fire Incidents: According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there were approximately 1.3 million fires reported in the United States in 2020, resulting in 3,500 civilian fire deaths and $21.9 billion in property damage.

  2. Firefighting Water Supply: A study by the Fire Protection Research Foundation found that buildings with adequate firefighting water supply systems have a 50% higher success rate in controlling fires compared to those without.

  3. Building Codes and Safety: The implementation of stringent building codes, including those related to fire safety, has been shown to reduce fire-related fatalities by 30% over the past decade.

  4. Fire Extinguisher Effectiveness: Research indicates that portable fire extinguishers are effective in 95% of reported fire incidents, highlighting the importance of having accessible firefighting equipment.

  5. Cost of Fire Safety Systems: Investing in comprehensive fire safety systems, including firefighting mains, can reduce insurance premiums by up to 15%, providing financial incentives for building owners.

  6. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), there were approximately 1.3 million fires reported in the United States in 2020, resulting in 3,500 civilian fire deaths and $21.9 billion in property damage.

  7. A study by the Fire Protection Research Foundation found that buildings with adequate firefighting water supply systems have a 50% higher success rate in controlling fires compared to those without.

  8. The implementation of stringent building codes, including those related to fire safety, has been shown to reduce fire-related fatalities by 30% over the past decade.

  9. Research indicates that portable fire extinguishers are effective in 95% of reported fire incidents, highlighting the importance of having accessible firefighting equipment.

  10. Investing in comprehensive fire safety systems, including firefighting mains, can reduce insurance premiums by up to 15%, providing financial incentives for building owners.


Firefighting mains are a vital component of a building's fire safety infrastructure, ensuring that water supply and pressure are sufficient to control fires effectively. The NBC's guidelines provide a framework for designing and maintaining these systems, tailored to the specific needs of different building types and heights. By adhering to these standards and ensuring regular maintenance, building owners can enhance the safety of occupants and protect property from fire-related damage.

FAQ for Firefighting Mains and Building Safety

1. What are firefighting mains, and why are they important in building safety?

Firefighting mains are essential components of a building's fire protection system, providing a reliable water supply to combat fires. They ensure that firefighting equipment, such as hoses and sprinklers, have adequate water flow and pressure to effectively control fires, thereby enhancing building safety and protecting occupants.

2. How does the National Building Code (NBC) specify the size of firefighting mains?

The NBC specifies the size of firefighting mains based on the type and height of buildings. For example, residential buildings up to 15 meters require 100 mm mains, whereas storage buildings up to 15 meters require 150 mm mains. These specifications ensure that each building type has the appropriate infrastructure to handle fire emergencies.

3. What are the key components of a firefighting system in a building?

A comprehensive firefighting system includes fire extinguishers, hose reels, wet risers, down-comers, yard hydrants, automatic sprinkler systems, and fire alarms. These components work together to detect, control, and extinguish fires, ensuring the safety of building occupants.

4. How often should firefighting equipment be maintained?

Firefighting equipment should be maintained regularly to ensure its functionality during emergencies. Regular inspections, testing, and servicing are necessary to keep the equipment in perfect working order and to comply with safety regulations.

5. What is the role of static water storage tanks in firefighting?

Static water storage tanks provide a dependable water supply for firefighting operations. They are strategically placed to ensure easy access and have sufficient capacity to meet the demands of fire emergencies. These tanks are crucial for maintaining an uninterrupted water supply during firefighting efforts.

6. How does building height affect the requirements for firefighting mains?

Building height directly influences the size and pressure requirements of firefighting mains. Taller buildings may require larger mains and higher pressure to ensure that water reaches all levels effectively. The NBC provides specific guidelines to accommodate these variations in building height.

7. What safety measures are in place to prevent tampering with firefighting systems?

To prevent unauthorized operation or tampering, valves in fixed firefighting installations are equipped with supervisory switches, chains, padlocks, and tamper-proof security tags. These measures ensure that the systems remain operational and ready for use in emergencies.

8. How do firefighting mains contribute to reducing fire-related damage?

By providing a consistent and adequate water supply, firefighting mains help control and extinguish fires quickly, minimizing damage to property and reducing the risk of injury to occupants. Properly designed and maintained mains are critical for effective fire response.

9. What are the pressure requirements for hydrants in a firefighting system?

The pressure at hydrants should be between 3.5 and 7.0 bar to ensure safety and effectiveness. Proper pressure regulation is essential to protect operators and ensure that water is delivered efficiently to combat fires.

10. How can building owners ensure compliance with NBC guidelines for firefighting mains?

Building owners can ensure compliance by consulting with fire safety experts, conducting regular inspections, and adhering to maintenance schedules. It's important to follow NBC guidelines for the installation and upkeep of firefighting systems to ensure safety and regulatory compliance.